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We are all aware of the seriousness of the current COVID-19 pandemic. What we can do about it today, is practice Physical Distancing (staying away from people outside of 6 feet or 2 meters of distance). Remembering who you came in contact with when the time calls for it, is not always possible. This is why you should keep track of people you came in contact with, and add them to you COVID-19 Contacts List!

why is this not an app yet?

The sad fact is that to get an App approved for wide distribution takes at least a few weeks. From what we are seeing in the speed with which COVID-19 is spreading, a few weeks is simply too long. We are currently developing an App which we hope to be ready for download in the next few weeks. Help us by being more proactive, and Spread the Word, not the Virus!



The sooner you join the fight, set up your list, and encourage others to do the same, the better chance we have as a society to slow the spread of COVID-19.

So it's important to act now. Practice Physical Distancing and encourage those around you to do the same. We can use our human advantage to think ahead, prepare, and keep our COVID-19 Contacts up to date. Do what earlier affected countries wished they had done!


To stop the spread of COVID-19. Plain and simple.


Having a list of people that you have been in close physical contact with (within 6 ft. / 2 m.), and a way to contact them (telephone# and/or email), will allow you to notify them in the unfortunate situation that you or they become infected by COVID-19. 

COVID-19 is an invisible enemy attacking our species. It has many advantages over us. However, we as humans have our own advantages, and we must draw on these to fight this enemy. Our unique ability to think and develop tools has been critical in our development as a species and is most critical at this time. Technology is one such tool.


The COVID-19 outbreak is happening in real time across the globe. It appears to be moving from Asia to Europe, and now to North and South America. Sitting in Canada and the USA we have the benefit of seeing how earlier affected countries in Asia and Europe are reacting to this pandemic – what works and what doesn’t. From the analysis of incidence rates (#infected / #tested), mortality rates (#deaths/#infected), as well as degree of testing (#tested/population) it seems a few countries stand out, as having developed the best practices to stop the spread of COVID-19. South Korea, at this point appears to be one of these countries. This then leads us to a study of what these practices are. The practice of quickly contacting an infected person’s recent close contacts, and then testing these people seems to be one such best practice.


We asked the following questions:


- How can we get ahead of this? 

- What can we do now that other earlier affected countries wished they had done?

- What can I do?


We do know that one of the key tipping points is when the health care system is overloaded, which from all indications is a question of when rather than if. So, anything we can do to slow this down, be prepared, take stress off our health care systems, and the heroic efforts of our medical professionals is critical.

It turns out that the behavior of regular people, just like us, is one of our best weapons against this virus. Sometimes, simple things done by regular people can change the world.


Just as the COVID-19 is spreading exponentially, we too can spread our best practices behavior exponentially. Spread the word and help to save the world. Practice Physical Distancing, and in cases where you are unable to Physically Distance yourself, we urge you to keep your COVID-19 Contacts up to date.

© Copyright 2020 COVID-19Contacts

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