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COVID-19 Contacts allows you to maintain a list of the people you have come into close physical contact with. If you or someone on your list tests positive for COVID-19 the others can easily be contacted to slow the spread of the virus. 


There is no cost. Data is only stored locally on your device. For that reason, it is important that you do not clear your browser history.

three simple things you can do to help

  1. Practice Physical Distancing
    Keep a safe barrier of 6 feet (2 meters) from other people.

  2. Wash your hands often.

  3. Setup and maintain your COVID-19 Contacts.



step 1

Register. It's free. It's easy.

Name, email, pick a password.

step 2

Create your list of COVID-19 contacts - the list of people you have let inside your 6 ft. ( 2 meter) safety barrier.

step 3

If you become infected by COVID-19

Use the list to contact these people to stop the spread of COVID-19

If you find out that a person on your list has become infected

Take the necessary steps yourself and contact the others on your list to stop the spread of COVID-19

© Copyright 2020 COVID-19Contacts

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